Hair Transplantation

When Will Results Be Obtained After Hair Transplantation?

When Will Results Be Obtained After Hair Transplantation?

It is not possible to have dense hair immediately after hair transplantation. Because the permanent and clear result in hair transplant operations is usually spread over a period of 12-18 months. The adequacy of nourishing the hair follicles of the person’s body, etc., are the differences that determine this process.

In hair transplantation operations, which will be performed by a fully equipped, professional and competent center, detailed information about the result and the recovery process will be given to the person before the operation, after the operation and after the hair transplantation. Expected results are shown to the person with real photos. A detailed explanation is given about all stages. Thus, the person enters the operation without any question marks in his mind.

Although hair transplantation is a very comfortable operation performed due to aesthetic concerns and with the development of technology in recent years, it should not be forgotten that it is a surgical operation.

As with every surgical procedure, results that may cause discomfort to people for a short time may develop as a result of hair transplantation operation, but each of these are normal and expected situations. Hair transplantation is one of the surgical procedures in the group with the least complication.

For more information and details, you can contact us here!

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