How much can you manage stress, which is one of the main causes of Hair Loss, in your life? Details are in our new blog post..
Many people say that my hair was very beautiful, I could not understand what happened at the end of the troubled process I went through and I lost my hair, and stress can be among the main reasons for hair loss.
Especially in the last period, uncontrolled and heavy diets that lead to sudden weight loss, high rates of weight loss as a result of obesity surgery, feverish infections, which is an effective majority stating that there is sudden hair loss after covit disease in the current pandemic process is observed.
It is a situation that everyone accepts now that stress is one of the important ailments of our modern age. Even though a dose of stress makes us focus, be more energetic, work regularly, and motivate us in life, our health, our productivity, etc. It can cause our body to give signals in dimensions that vary from person to person.
Unfortunately, it is a situation where the first impression about us is obtained, especially our physical appearance, which we present to the outside world. Excessive hair loss in people who have undergone a treatment process due to stress or genetics or a disorder, if it causes an irreversible process, directly affects social life.
Stress can cause memory loss, difficulty in decision making, negative thoughts, impaired concentration and constant anxiety. Constant fatigue can lead to a depressive life such as emotional unhappiness, inability to relax and feeling lonely. Sleep disorder, being away from social life and unwillingness to fulfill responsibilities can cause many reasons like this.
Physical stress can create a constantly sore body and a general reluctance, most importantly, the most important results we encounter with a weakened immune system are hair loss, nails and skin damage. The occurrence of hair problem due to stress, the effect on the pigments that give color to the hair follicles, the new hair starting to appear in white color, as well as the obvious thinning and shedding of the hair in cases where the stress lasts longer. The person can observe this in the form of loss of the front line and temple spills at the top.
The idea that the main cause of hair loss is genetic predisposition, as well as the fact that it may be caused by stress at a high rate, is a situation that is frequently encountered with such data.
In general, our ability to cope with stress, the sharing we can do with our loved ones, our inner self-confidence and our ability to hold on to life will definitely affect our strong immunity.
A decrease in our hair due to stress, in general, to notice this strain of our body, it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist. Starting to lose hair as a result of eczema type seborrheic dermatitis, Behçet’s disease, sudden and regional ringworm formation in the hair may cause a visible panic atmosphere and cause faster losses.
If our hair loss has occurred due to stress, it may come back in general. For this, it is very important to get help from specialists with support treatments from inside and on the skin, which can remove the body from stress more easily. First, try to stay away from situations that stress you out. Take time to sunbathe even when you can’t leave the house, even on the balcony. The sun can be good for hair loss caused by stress, containing vitamins that will strengthen the immune system and reduce stress.
If the hair loss process has lasted more than 3-4 months, it should be taken seriously. If there is a gap in the middle parts of women, this can be interpreted as male-type shedding. If small rounds, local and tiny spaces have started to form in the hair, this is a sign that you may be suffering from some stress-related diseases or an upper skin disease. It is an abnormal situation that 5-6 strands of hair come out every time we throw our hands on the hair.
The main condition that we can observe that we can understand that the hair follicles are dead is the fact that the ends of the hair strands that come to us in excess are white, which indicates that it originates from the root and has lost its function. If the new ones do not grow in 2-3 months, we will understand this clearly.
There are periods of growth, rest and shedding of the hair, which covers a period of 3-6 years, and a strand of hair renews itself on average every 5 years. Hair is a living tissue and if it loses its vitality for various reasons, the vitality of the hair tissue in that area will be lost. The only permanent solution here, as is known, is hair transplantation.
I wish all of us healthy days when we can manage stress.
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