Take a look at our Blog post on What to Do Before and After Hungry Planting. Everything you are wondering is here.


– It is necessary to take photos in Front – Back – Top poses in our clinic with the hair of the patient. Future patients should send their photos as in the samples we will send. NOTE: It is mandatory to be in the patient file for hair transplantation planning.
– It is forbidden to take blood thinners such as alcohol and aspirin the night before. If there is substance and cigarette use, it should be stopped 7 days in advance.
– The patient should wear front buttoned or zippered clothes in order not to damage the application area after hair transplantation.
– The patient should come to the clinic with long hair.
– The patient should come on a full stomach, since local anesthesia will be applied on the morning of the day of hair transplantation.
– You must be at the hospital at 08:00 in the morning.

For White Hair Only

After the long hair is thoroughly washed and dried the night before, it should be dyed with Black Color Paint. It should be washed and rinsed 45 minutes after dyeing.

NOTE: Since the hair will grow in the process until the morning, it is recommended as late as possible. The quality of the paint is unimportant.


In terms of Patient and Community Health, it is obligatory to have the following analyzes done before the procedure. (Valid if done within the last 6 months)


NOTE: You can have the tests done free of charge from Health Centers and State Hospitals.


– It is normal to have edema (swelling) in the treated area. The resulting edema is excreted from the body by mixing with blood and urine within 4-5 days by gravity.
– In the first 48 hours after the procedure, one should not stay up long, except for the need for food and toilet. lying position; Head back and sometimes sideways, finding a comfortable position should try to pass this process. This swelling and edema is caused by serum fluid and is temporary. If care is not taken, it may go down to the eyes, and the overall healing may take two or three days longer. After 48 hours, you should return to active life, so it will be easier for the fluid to be removed from the body.
– Dressing should be done in the clinic one day after hair transplantation. If it is not possible to come, the specified cream should be applied to the neck one day after the procedure. It is sufficient to do this process only once. There is no need for re-dressing.
– After hair transplantation, washing is done on the 3rd day. It is recommended that the applicator do the First Washing, especially if possible. Photographs of the planting area should be taken before and immediately after washing.
– There should be no smoking for 10 days after October.
– The hair wash lotion is used until the crusts are gone. Then, as the skin feels dry, it can be applied as a thin layer on the nape and upper part.
– Baby shampoo should be used for 3 months.
– The patient should avoid all kinds of heavy cardio, walking, sexual contact, lifting weights for the first 10 days. Light sports can be started on the 20th day. After an average of 1 month, all activities can be returned.
– A hat or bandana can be put on carefully 4-5 days after the hair transplant.
– It is recommended not to smoke for life. (Smoking is harmful to your health!)
– You can get your doctor’s suggestions for special support products and care after October, and you can get answers to your questions for 12 months.


You can get support 24/7 via WhatsApp and phone; 0(552) 333 06 73

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